Every type of aircraft has both advantages and disadvantages when compared against other aircraft. Factors like range, available load, landing strip/fuel requirements to the aircraft’s home base, and craft availability over the length the entire project must be balanced to find the optimal solution based on the weight and dimensions of load(s) and frequency of movement. Selecting the right type of aircraft -– be it a Long Ranger, A Star, Maule, Cesna, Pilatus Porter, Twin Otter, Dornier, King Air, Skyvan, Basler DC-3, Buffalo, Hercules or Antanov airplane -- can be a major determining factor in a project's logistical feasiblability and budget. Whether confirming fuel availability and quotas, establishing remote fuel caches, calculating number of loads for any given aircraft, doing advance reconnaissance, confirming potential runways, assessing the condition of landing strips, or constructing runways, Katabatic Logistics can help determine the best solutions and manage the necessary details to ensure each plan remains viable.
The largest cost savings in aircraft utilization will always come from minimizing empty or underutilized legs. Katabatic Logistics and its partners are focused, whenever possible, on coordinating unrelated projects to optimize flight plans for shared savings. Whether combining loads from unrelated projects to justify a larger, more-efficient cargo plane, shipping freight on ferry flights, sharing passenger and/or freight charters, or splitting aircraft time in a region between multiple unrelated projects, the role is one of coordinating as many project requirements as possible for the greatest efficiency. Sharing aircraft, filling empty legs, selecting the best plane for the job, reducing mobilization and ferry costs, and keeping an aircraft available longer than otherwise possible are just a few of the services Katabatic Logistics is uniquely focused on delivering.
Katabatic Logistics and its partners will also schedule advance or post logistics whenever possible to optimize costs. When feasible, flying supplies in advance may be done at the time of an unrelated project much earlier to reduce costs or freight may be hauled by tracked vehicle in winter over land or by a barge in open water if such distances are feasible and costs are less than the equivalent flying costs. Katabatic Logistics works closely with multiple aircraft charter companies and identifies various solutions to react swiftly should a charter company be unable for any mechanical or logistical reason to complete the scheduled flying.